Asim YarKhan, Jack Dongarra, and Keith Seymour (2006)
GridSolve: The Evolution of Network Enabled Solver
In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Conference .
<p>GridSolve is a stubless RPC-based client-agent-server system for remotely accessing hardware and software resources. GridSolve emphasizes ease-of-use for the user and includes resource monitoring, scheduling and service-level fault-tolerance. In addition to providing Fortran and C clients, GridSolve enables SCEs (such as Matlab) to be used as clients, so domain scientists can use Grid resources from within their preferred environments. GridSolve is a more highly evolved version of the earlier NetSolve project, and it is based on the emerging GridRPC standard. This paper will discuss the changes and improvements involved in the evolution from NetSolve to GridSolve.</p>