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Batch Queue Resource Scheduling for Workflow Applications
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-08-11 11:46
PDF of Zhang, Y, Koelbel, C, and Cooper, K (2009): In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2009, New Orleans, LA. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/inproceedingsreference.2009-08-11.3500380597
Pegasus on the Virtual Grid: A Case Study of Workflow Planning over Captive Resources
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-08-13 05:58
PDF of Kee, Y, Byun, E, Deelman, E, Vahi, K, and Kim, J (2008): In: Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-scale Science (WORKS08), in conjunct with ACM/IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (SC08), Austin, TX. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/inproceedingsreference.2009-08-13.5008113776
Estimating Resource Needs for Time-Constrained Workflows
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-08-13 06:17
PDF of Byun, EB, Kee, Y, Deelman, E, Vahi, K, Mehta, G, and Kim, J (2008): In: IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science08), Bloomington, IN. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/inproceedingsreference.2009-08-13.8657523323
The Eucalyptus Open-source Cloud-computing System
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-09-10 09:02
PDF of Nurmi, D, Wolski, R, Grzegorczyk, C, Obertelli, G, Youseff, L, and Zagorodnov, D (2009): In: Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 09), Shanghai, China. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/eucalyptus-ccgrid
Efficient Auction-Based Grid Reservations using Dynamic Programming
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-09-17 11:00
PDF of Mutz, A and Wolski, R (2008): In: SC’08 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Austin, TX. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/mutz-sc08
Evaluation of a Workflow Scheduler Using Integrated Performance Modelling and Batch Queue Wait Time Prediction
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:39
PDF of Nurmi, D, Mandal, A, Brevik, J, Koelbel, C, Wolski, R, and Kennedy, K (2006): In: Proceedings of SC'06, Tampa, FL, IEEE. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/batchqueuesc06
Predicting Bounds on Queueing Delay in Space-shared Computing Environments
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:41
PDF of Brevik, J, Nurmi, D, and Wolski, R (2005): University of California Santa Barbara, Technical Report(CS2005-09), Santa Barbara, CA. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/breviktr
Application-level Resource Provisioning on the Grid
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:50
PDF of Singh, G, Kesselman, C, and Deelman, E (2006): In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Intl Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, IEEE. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/singhprovisioning
Validating and Scaling the MicroGrid: A Scientific Instrument for Grid Dynamics
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:56
PDF of Liu, X, Xia, H, and Chien, A (2004): The Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 2(2):141 - 161. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew10
Using Virtual Grids to Simplify Application Scheduling
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:10
PDF of Huang, R, Casanova, H, and Chien, AA (2006): In: IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/inproceedingsreference200604301387285191
Tailoring Graph Coloring Register Allocation for Runtime Compilation
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:11
PDF of Cooper, KD and Dasgupta, A (2006): In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, IEEE Computer Society. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/cooperdasguptacgo06
Eliciting Honest Value Information in a Batch-Queue Environment
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-06 11:34
PDF of Mutz, A, Wolski, R, and Brevik, J (2007): In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, pp. 291-297. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/mutz-gridcomputing-07
Scheduling FFT Computation on SMP and Multicore
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-06-12 12:42
PDF of Ali, A, Johnsson, L, and Subhlok, J (2007): In: 21st ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2007), Seattle, WA. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/Ali-multicore-07
Self-Healing in Binomial Graph Networks
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-09 07:55
PDF of Angskun, T, Boslica, G, and Dongarra, J (2007): In: 2nd International Workshop On Reliability in Decentralized Distributed Systems (RDDS 2007), Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/rdds07_shbmg
Optimal Routing in Binomial Graph Networks
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-09 08:00
PDF of Angskun, T, Boslica, G, and Dongarra, J (2007): In: The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT), Adelaide, Australia. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/pdcat07_optbmg
Reliability Analysis of Self-Healing Network using Discrete-Event Simulation
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-09 08:06
PDF of Angskun, T, Boslica, G, Fagg, GE, Pjesivac-Grbovic, J, and Dongarra, J (2007): In: Proceedings of Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid '07), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/ccgrid07_rashn
Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling of FFT on Hierarchical Memory and Multi-core Architectures
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-09 05:53
PDF of Ali, A (2008): PhD thesis, University of Houston, Houston, TX. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/ali-thesis08
Adaptive Computation of Self Sorting Inplace FFTs on Hierarchical Memory Architectures
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-09 05:50
PDF of Ali, A, Johnsson, L, and Subhlok, J (2007): In: High Performance Computation Conference, Houston, TX. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/inproceedingsreference.2008-05-09.5710374568
Empirical Auto-tuning Code Generator for FFT and Trigonometric Transforms
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-05-21 09:40
PDF of Ali, A, Johnsson, L, and Mirkovic, D (2007): In: ODES: 5th Workshop on Optimizations for DSP and Embedded Systems, in conjunction with International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), San Jose, CA. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/ali-autotuning-07
VGrADS: Enabling e-Science Workflows on Grids and Clouds with Fault Tolerance
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-03 08:16
PDF of Ramakrishnan, L, Nurmi, D, Mandal, A, Koelbel, C, Gannon, D, Huang, TM, Kee, Y, Obertelli, G, Thyagaraja, K, Wolski, R, YarKhan, A, and Zagorodnov, D (2009): In: SC’09 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Portland, OR. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/inproceedingsreference.2009-08-11.8895152445
Statistical Methods for Mitigating Resource Provisioning Dynamism in Large-Scale Batch-Scheduled Systems
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-10-05 08:09
PDF of Nurmi, D (2008): Ph.D. Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/phdthesisreference.2009-09-16.1704318168
GridSAT: A Distributed Large Scale Satisfiability Solver for the Computational Grid
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-09-29 07:56
PDF of Chrabakh, W (2006): PhD thesis, University of California at Santa Barbara. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/chrabakhthesis
Evaluation of Rate-based Transport Protocols for Lambda-Grids
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:04
PDF of Wu, R and Chien, A (2004): In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing, IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew3
Realistic Modeling and Synthesis of Resources for Computational Grids
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:07
PDF of Kee, Y, Casanova, H, and Chien, A (2004): In: ACM Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (SC2004), ACM Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew2
Relative Performance of Scheduling Algorithms in Grid Environments
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:09
PDF of Zhang, Y, Koelbel, C, and Kennedy, K (2007): In: Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid — CCGrid 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IEEE. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/zhangccgrid07
Efficient Resource Capacity Estimate of Workflow Applications for Provisioning Resources
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-08-13 06:29
PDF of Byun, E, Kee, Y, Dee, E, Vahi, K, Mehta, G, and Kim, J (2008): University of Southern California, Technical Report(08-898). Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/techreportreference.2009-08-13.3369359331
Grid-Centric Scheduling Strategies for Workflow Applications
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-09-29 10:39
PDF of Zhang, Y (2009): Ph.D. Thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/zhang-thesis
New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:47
PDF of Berman, F, Casanova, H, Chien, A, Cooper, K, Dail, H, Dasgupta, A, Deng, W, Dongarra, J, Johnsson, L, Kennedy, K, Koelbel, C, Liu, B, Liu, X, Mandal, A, Marin, G, Mazina, M, Mellor-Crummey, J, Mendes, C, Olugbile, A, Patel, M, Reed, D, Shi, Z, Sievert, O, Xia, H, and YarKhan, A (2005): International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), Volume 33(2-3):pp. 209-229. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/ijppoverview
Toward a Tool for Scheduling Application Workflows onto Distributed Grid Systems
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:48
PDF of Mandal, A (2006): PhD thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/mandalthesis
Realistic Large Scale Online Network Simulation
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:53
PDF of Liu, X and Chien, A (2004): In: ACM Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (SC2004), ACM Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew1
Characterizing and Evaluating Desktop Grids: An Empirical Study
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:55
PDF of Kondo, D, Taufer, M, Charles L. Brooks, I, Casanova, H, and Chien, A (2004): In: Proceedings of International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew9
Modeling Machine Availability in Enterprise and Wide-area Distributed Computing Environments
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:57
PDF of Brevik, J, Nurmi, D, and Wolski, R (2003): University of California Santa Barbara, Department of Computer Science(CS2003-28), Santa Barbara, CA 93106. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/wolski2
The MicroGrid: Using Emulation to Predict Application Performance in Diverse Grid Network Environments
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 06:58
PDF of Xia, H, Dail, H, Casanova, H, and Chien, A (2004): In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments (CLADE’04), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew4
Quantifying Machine Availability in Networked and Desktop Grid Systems
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:00
PDF of Brevik, J, Nurmi, D, and Wolski, R (2004): In: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/rich1
Distributed Virtual Computer(DVC): Simplifying the Development of High Performance Grid Applications
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:01
PDF of Taesombut, N and Chien, A (2004): In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Grids and Advanced Networks (GAN ’04), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew5
Qualitative Performance Analysis for Large-scale Scientific Workflows
Emma Buneci
last modified
2009-09-29 06:59
PDF of Buneci, E (2008): PhD thesis, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/phdthesisreference.2008-06-12.1774822130
Eliciting Honest Behavior on Computational Grids
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-09-24 05:20
PDF of Mutz, A (2008): Ph.D. Thesis, University of California Santa Barbara. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/phdthesisreference.2009-09-16.6565933770
Scheduling tasks with precedence constraints on heterogeneous distributed computing systems
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-09-29 07:13
PDF of Shi, Z (2006): PhD thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/shithesis
GTP: Group Transport Protocol for Lambda-Grids
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:03
PDF of Wu, R and Chien, A (2004): In: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew6
Study of an Accurate and Fast Protein-Ligand Docking Algorithm based on Molecular Dynamics
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:05
PDF of Taufer, M, Crowley, M, Price, D, Chien, A, and III, CL (2004): In: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB 2004), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew7
DGMonitor: a Performance Monitoring Tool for Sand-box based Desktop Grid Platforms
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2009-11-04 07:06
PDF of Taufer, M, Cicotti, P, and Chien, A (2004): In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems (PMEO-PDS’ 2004), IEEE Press. Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/andrew8
The Impact of Multicore on Computational Science Software
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-04-30 12:20
PDF of Dongarra, J, Gannon, D, Fox, G, and Kennedy, K (2007): CTWatch Quarterly, 3(1). Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/ctwatch-multicore
Creating Software Tools and Libraries for Leadership Computing
Charles Koelbel
last modified
2008-04-30 12:20
PDF of Mellor-Crummey, J, Beckman, P, Cooper, K, Dongarra, J, Gropp, W, Lusk, E, Miller, B, and Yelick, K (2007): CTWatch Quarterly, 3(4). Located at portal path: http://vgrads.rice.edu/publications/ctwatch-tools
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