Gurmeet Singh, Carl Kesselman, and Ewa Deelman (2006)
Application-level Resource Provisioning on the Grid
In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Intl Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, IEEE.
<p>provisioning that employ agreement-based resource management. These algorithms allow user-level resource allocation and scheduling of applications that are structured as a precedence-constrained set of tasks. We present a provisioning model where the resource availability in the Grid can be enumerated as a set of slots. A slot is defined as a number of processors available from a certain start time for a certain duration at a certain cost. Using a cost model that combines the cost of resource allocation and the expected application runtime, we evaluate the performance of the Min-Min and of the Genetic algorithm (GA)-based heuristics for a range of synthetic applications. We show that the GA paired with a list scheduling algorithm can obtain significantly better solutions than the Min-Min heuristic alone.