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VGrADS leverages CS-CAMP to extend its outreach. CS-CAMP leverages VGrADS to improve its content. Summer 2004 CS-CAMP Awareness Day Participation  Computer Science What is it? (Cooper)  Overcoming Obstacles (Tapia) Congressman Culberson Panel Summer 2005 CS-CAMP Grid Computing Session (Kennedy or Koelbel) Career Choices in Computing (Kennedy or Koelbel) Tapia and Cooper will speak, as in previous years{c ( (c  (   cj=Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)L NSF-sponsored program that provides year-round support, mentoring, and community for students from underrepresented groups at both the undergraduate & graduate levels AGEP Summer Program Bring students to campus & pair them with senior researchers Expose them to graduate-style education (& hook them) Emphasis on community building & pyramid-style mentoring Recruitment Efforts for 2005 Over 100 applicants from CS, EE, and related fields Nationwide recruiting effort Expect three AGEP summer students to work with VGrADS Evaluating scheduling methods Launching Grid applications58:u  :58  :$$iVGrADS-related CoursesGraduate courses UCSB (Rich Wolski) CS 290I: Grid Computing Students build & evaluate grid applications Students use GrADSoft & VGrADS tools UCSD (Andrew Chien) CSE 225: Grids and High Performance Distributed Computing Students learn about technical challenges in building grids, grid software, and grid applications http://www-csag.ucsd.edu/teaching/cse225s05/ General Education Course (Deferred) Kennedy is developing a course on Information Technology Architectures; it will incorporate grid materialj%kj  ,%k  >juGraduate Students in VGrADS!Students are directly involved in the research Participate in weekly planning calls, develop software, etc. Attend & participate in annual VGrADS Workshop Often give demonstrations at major conferences Student exchanges Student from one school spends significant time at another Significant interchange of ideas & experiences Started under GrADS Anirban Mandal summer at USC ISI Summer 2005 Ryan Zhang (Rice) going to UCSD to collaborate on vgES Dan Nurmi (UCSB) going to Rice to collaborate on delay prediction for scheduling [tentative]/<f   /<  f rProfessional Outreach& The usual presentations at conferences, workshops, etc. PIs give many grid-related keynote talks and invited talks Website for disseminating results, internal collaboration http://vgrads.rice.edu/ SC2004 Conference activities Exhibit floor talks/demos of VGrADS and GrADS activities (Johnsson, Dongarra, Kennedy, Koelbel, Wolski, various students) PIs spoke in several BOF and Panel sessions National Committees CSTB Report  The Future of Supercomputing (Koelbel, Dongarra) PITAC subcommittee on Computational Science (Reed chairs) Reed is CRA s liaison to Coalition to Diversify Computing Many national and international conference program committees:< :   :<:  wSummaryFpGoal is to raise awareness of Grid issues, challenges and research by injecting it into high-impact venues Strategy is to maximize impact through significant leverage Work with successful, established programs CS-CAMP, AGEP, Hopper & Tapia Conferences, SC Seek institutional support for our programs Integration of EOT & research expands reach of our budget Broad commitment from PIs to make progress in education, outreach, and training Funded activities, such as CS-CAMP & AGEP Active participation in community-building,such as Hopper, Tapia, & SC Conferences Act as catalysts for change at individual institutions k<, . h P 8Fk<,.  -;P+T  7$$((,,/  P0Lyonl1< 08  .,=>5/2347:-sx,,  te(HH(n h  |@` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғq>9y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dU@ <6?" 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Instead, talk about why these conferences are important (they introduce the participants to others  like them , they see role models (e.g. Warren Washington keynoting the 2003 Tapia Conference), great chance for networking, particularly great experience for students - lots of fun and they learn something). Participant testimonials (I think I ve seen some on their web pages) might be useful to read out. Consider dropping in a line about Richard Tapia being  sort of involved with the Tapia Celebration. Like he s  sort of involved with the Tapia-Blackwell conference (which is outside VGrADS direct area). [your notes from here on down] Keith Cooper, VGrADS PI, will be a speaker at the 2005 Tapia Conference. Chuck Koelbel will lead a Grid Computing panel discussion and VGrADS staff and students will also be panelists on the panel. They will discuss both the enormous opportunities for Grid computing, and the significant challenges in getting it working. They plan to talk about how the Grid is solving problems today that were impossible just a few years ago. They will also point out the need for contributions from a diverse group of researchers, such as the participants at the Tapia conference. I d also like to point out that both of these conferences are well attended. Grace Hopper has over 800 (?) attendees. This will be the third year for the Tapia Conference, and the conference double from 150 in 2001 to 300 attendees in 2003. Most of our successes have come from majority institutions. Today, there are more minority students at majority institutions than at the minority institutions. Ten years ago, that was not the case. Minority students used to go to institutions where they were comfortable like Prairie View, TSU, etc. Part of the reason for this change in Texas is because of the 10% rule were the top 10% of talented minority students are guaranteed admissions into Texas public universities like Texas A&M and the University of Texas at Austin. At those schools, their population is over %50 minority. H D 0޽h ? a(f h &  H(  HX H C Dx   H S PE<   6Need to make it very clear that CS-CAMP is a separate grant that we are leveraging. You said it, but it needs to be in print. Minor futzing with the 2005 bullets. Who gave the 2004 talks? Add them as I did for 2005 You need to get Richard and Keith to answer the red question. If you have a picture of the 2004 activities (even just kids watching a speaker), it would add some color [your notes below here] The goals of CS-CAMP are to: Prepare high school girls so they will succeed with confidence and enthusiasm in computer science courses; Increase girls' admission and retention in pre-college computer science courses, and" Improve the climate and instructional experiences for girls in high school computer classes. CS-CAMP is leveraged by funds from the VGrADS Project, as well as funds from Richard Tapia s Center for Excellence and Equity in Education. Michael Sirois is the Program Manager for this project.fc   MUH H 0޽h ? a(i |0L(  J  LX L C Dx  | L S K<   Deleted Ken s course, it doesn t exist [your notes below here] FYI, Rich has incorporated VGrADS technology within his course. H L 0޽h ? a( j  TZ(  TX T C Dx   T S  |J<   \HChanged title to emphasize AGEP Moved this slide in line with the revised outline Needs a  what is AGEP line as on the CS-CAMP slide. [your notes below here] We have leveraged VGrADS and AGEP to create a warm nurturing community at Rice. Note that you will meet one of our AGEP Students, Machale Joyner, at lunch. He was a Rice undergraduate, and is a third-year Rice graduate student. Ken Kennedy is his advisor.H T 0޽h ? a(9r P\(  \X \ C Dx   \ S `E<   wFixed formatting on website bullet [your notes below here] Refer them to Chuck for questions regarding SC ConferencesH \ 0޽h ? a(g `1(  `X ` C Dx   ` S 9<   3Minor formatting tweak to namesH ` 0޽h ? a( t D < l (  l^ l S Dx  6  l c $Pa<   tExpanded title Mostly your words, just rearranged :-) I tried to find an order that was more-or-less logical (by age of students) and sorted slides to match Present the last major bullet ( Special attention to &  ) as an overriding theme of VGrADS and Richard s work. Something along these lines: Throughout all these programs, we are paying particular attention to the needs of groups that are traditionally underrepresented in science, math, engineering, and technology. This has been a long-time concern of Richard Tapia particularly, and many of the other VGrADS Pisalso have track records of supporting these groups. For example, you ll see later how Keith Cooper leads CS-CAMP, and Chuck Koelbel has been active with our summer AGEP program this year. We like to particularly focus on an idea of Richard s called  Minority Students in Majority Institutions , where we try to expand the talent pool of under-served students at top-tier schools like Rice, UCSD, North Carolina, and so on. & [then start quoting Richard s MSMI description, like your notes for the next slide] :,,H l 0޽h ? a(u @th(  tX t C Dx   t S 0rE<   jVLet s talk, I ll walk you through this one.H t 0޽h ? a( v    (  X  C Dx     S <  `___PPT10@8___PPT9xp___PPTMac11tl   hnamd` Arial&Monotype Typography     hnamd` Arial&Monotype Typography     hnamd` Arial&Monotype Typography     hnamd` Arial&Monotype Typography     hnamd` Arial&Monotype Typography   The major challenge in VGrADS EOT is finding ways to have an impact without spending money that we don t have. The proposal included roughly $110,000 per year for EOT; as funded the budget has about half of that. We reduced the number of AGEP students that we can support; we eliminated salary support for Cynthia Lanius. Since we did not find appropriate AGEP students in the first year, we concentrated on participation in the Hopper Celebration and sent a sizable contingent there. To stretch our dollars, we have worked aggressively to share costs with other funding agencies.NGof mH  0޽h ? a(80___PPT10. q dxp^RЀ3ÿ lHbP  @AL G@;b `B&VPN<n_MQDMT svχzxkywivypvʪ| nq΄vtfuserukrȨxr^n=TI>a:"nXf'[ʐVn]fo%col}mtv[%g[vofV^qJxU ]foKH\bTڐj|sk؆h"Y֪}փXчǠXъä}t} փus|ٌfxofׂc"{T}էySτŝ}Sχ}y􀏚py qn~xoU\_PM.zy>KOn"nf~~ѓDLņk1MTtH/ChLMQClQͺ\1A?T}Ģyv_˙kux"۬pvҢδav|ޔs/oՋvvyoϧyʞδaml|y~ŸurZɖfqt"کkqџͲ\rxޑn/jԇqrujΥuț~Ͳ\igxo!gA=`U0>MnMIyw9MTvL/q=MQWзPMgw9^@T!mj}`kιvvsǢ×gv|ٖv/jvy~yvǪgl|!ify[fͷrroşbrxؓq/fruzurŨbhxu!L\C`a{RN[XWV|$nCRRMw1ikxamgp/DTrmML\/bQFzBBDQvqRmwmHbp{ggp/^WyVUvoMzw~}$ozzva񌍗↏_p|vv/yqnnpyz폗sʪ_ľ~}Pq~jHvs}{zy$jvvr\ႋ[kxrq~/umjjkuv싓nȨ[üzy܁sRIRίR}zszzvovؿv>S~MqibTk{vތ|fwr݈x<>g[coGRJ}mtjqZ U2slg%[vk7kstdpY~"i}mtbfq}ZeTccKHTzEkrztϱ }bXсǴݍfڍ"ތʀ|އus|pf}mvpί| y]S}ű܊aي|"݈|x݄qnxl6<>QL3ŃHz.SiMLMS]q]bLB"hHbxCT:TA]2QN{LˀLuwFnMLyz]q]ЪͺC"G]ʇLbySTST^m0>QG{MLˀLmFkyrvvם˪vqis◑pvPc΃w!yvvɊ||⊔b>fumrq֚ɧqmeoᓎkqK^~s!uqqLJxxᇑ]hS{w+j{qۜ햏 |ͯKRVaK\uz}u׿qvyq~l5^QDtؠʪێdypȨڋ_ukVdQJxUvmlcpolVdpYgm3vYkg(qGLO>PLˀuMZ*ʪmێŐsזoxk(rvxkȬȪyvםѕv*ȨiڋÍnՓjtf(mqtfǩǧuq֚Вr|*333333333333̩ 3333̯J333333333333333333̯ R33333333333333̺>3333333333̺t33333333333333333333333333̺"3333̺ z333333333333333333333333̺/333333̺o3333333333333333333333̺"3333̺ Y33333333333333̸;33333333̸\3333333333333333̸.333333̸ <<66T^Ӳ̨߯ƠھԾԷңŜ߁UO^RebtTzazk]rmzo~}`[f[olAqRq]O~ʷA[Q\[plpkimc|irʺ[phpp}GdX`avuihahXv|^mqo|}{xx{v~(ųֽż(±ŵֽż(͵ɽù¹ֽż(ȷͼںȺ(ɹνۻȺ(öο!! ^ 71 ՜.+,D՜.+,@    'US Letter PaperRice University   TimesCLB Helvetica Condensed BlackComic Sans MSZapf DingbatsArialGeneva Helvetica Times-Roman Times-ItalicBlankXVGrADS Education, Outreach and Training Activities: Unlocking the Doors of OpportunityThe Challenge for VGrADS EOTVGrADS EOT Philosophy/Participation in Minority-Focused Conferences GComputer Science Computing and Mentoring Partnership (CS-CAMP) Project>Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)VGrADS-related CoursesGraduate Students in VGrADSProfessional OutreachSummaryLyon  Fonts Used Design Template Slide Titles  Custom Shows@ 8@ _PID_HLINKS'A -http://www-csag.ucsd.edu/teaching/cse225s05/http://vgrads.rice.edu/1_"$HiPersoft Rice UniversityHiPersoft Rice University  %lXhttp://www-csag.ucsd.edu/teaching/cse225s05/B.http://vgrads.rice.edu/x/ 0DTimesItalicen Id ackҔlDCLB Helvetica Condensed BlackҔl DComic Sans MSCondensed BlackҔl0DZapf DingbatsCondensed BlackҔl@DArialingbatsCondensed BlackҔlPDGenevangbatsCondensed BlackҔl`DHelveticaatsCondensed BlackҔlpDTimes-RomansCondensed BlackҔlDTimes-ItalicCondensed BlackҔl a .  @n?" dd@  @@`` x0O  !; QQRS{C Q Qk ;+ ; +    ?$p$pR$ P߶\\y*4|Dp# lAA8c? 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VGrADS leverages CS-CAMP to extend its outreach. CS-CAMP leverages VGrADS to improve its content. Summer 2004 CS-CAMP Awareness Day Participation  Computer Science What is it? (Cooper)  Overcoming Obstacles (Tapia) Congressman Culberson Panel Summer 2005 CS-CAMP Grid Computing Session (Kennedy or Koelbel) Career Choices in Computing (Kennedy or Koelbel) Tapia and Cooper will speak, as in previous years{c ( (c  (   cj=Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP)L NSF-sponsored program that provides year-round support, mentoring, and community for students from underrepresented groups at both the undergraduate & graduate levels AGEP Summer Program Bring students to campus & pair them with senior researchers Expose them to graduate-style education (& hook them) Emphasis on community building & pyramid-style mentoring Recruitment Efforts for 2005 Over 100 applicants from CS, EE, and related fields Nationwide recruiting effort Expect three AGEP summer students to work with VGrADS Evaluating scheduling methods Launching Grid applications58:u  :58  :$$iVGrADS-related CoursesGraduate courses UCSB (Rich Wolski) CS 290I: Grid Computing Students build & evaluate grid applications Students use GrADSoft & VGrADS tools UCSD (Andrew Chien) CSE 225: Grids and High Performance Distributed Computing Students learn about technical challenges in building grids, grid software, and grid applications http://www-csag.ucsd.edu/teaching/cse225s05/ General Education Course (Deferred) Kennedy is developing a course on Information Technology Architectures; it will incorporate grid materialj%kj  ,%k  >juGraduate Students in VGrADS!Students are directly involved in the research Participate in weekly planning calls, develop software, etc. Attend & participate in annual VGrADS Workshop Often give demonstrations at major conferences Student exchanges Student from one school spends significant time at another Significant interchange of ideas & experiences Started under GrADS Anirban Mandal summer at USC ISI Summer 2005 Ryan Zhang (Rice) going to UCSD to collaborate on vgES Dan Nurmi (UCSB) going to Rice to collaborate on delay prediction for scheduling [tentative]/<f   /<  f rProfessional Outreach& The usual presentations at conferences, workshops, etc. PIs give many grid-related keynote talks and invited talks Website for disseminating results, internal collaboration http://vgrads.rice.edu/ SC2004 Conference activities Exhibit floor talks/demos of VGrADS and GrADS activities (Johnsson, Dongarra, Kennedy, Koelbel, Wolski, various students) PIs spoke in several BOF and Panel sessions National Committees CSTB Report  The Future of Supercomputing (Koelbel, Dongarra) PITAC subcommittee on Computational Science (Reed chairs) Reed is CRA s liaison to Coalition to Diversify Computing Many national and international conference program committees:< :   :<:  wSummaryFpGoal is to raise awareness of Grid issues, challenges and research by injecting it into high-impact venues Strategy is to maximize impact through significant leverage Work with successful, established programs CS-CAMP, AGEP, Hopper & Tapia Conferences, SC Seek institutional support for our programs Integration of EOT & research expands reach of our budget Broad commitment from PIs to make progress in education, outreach, and training Funded activities, such as CS-CAMP & AGEP Active participation in community-building,such as Hopper, Tapia, & SC Conferences Act as catalysts for change at individual institutions k<, . h P 8Fk<,.  -;P+T  7$$((,,/  P.Lyonl1< 08  .,=>5/2347:-sx,,  te(HH(n h 0 `V(    ZpEUU1?    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