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by admin last modified 2007-12-12 01:58

April 18-21, 2006
Renaissance Computing Institute, UNC-Chapel Hill
100 Europa Drive, Suite 540, Chapel Hill

Telecon number (tentative)
1-800-955-6371 (For US & Canadian Participants)
1-719-457-6424 (For International Participants)
Participant Passcode: 749235

Attendees: Suresh Marru, Gurmeet Singh, Yang-Suk Kee, Daniel Nurmi, Ryan Zhang, Lavanya Ramakrishnan

April 18, 2006

8:30 am     Breakfast
9:00 am     Introduction, Big Picture discussion (Lavanya)
     Slides (PPT), Notes (PPT)
10:30 am    LEAD workflow logistics to feed to the workplan– machines, application codes, etc. (Suresh, Lavanya)
12:00 noon     Lunch
1:00 pm    LEAD-VGrADS interface points (Suresh)
     Notes (PPT)
4:00 pm     Summary and wrap-up discussion (with PIs)

April 19, 2006

8:30 am     Breakfast
9:00 am    Requirements, changes in vgES (Yang-Suk)
     Slides (PPT), Notes (PPT)
12:00 noon     Lunch
1:00 pm     Performance Model of the LEAD workflow (Lavanya)
     Slides (PPT), Notes (PPT)
4:00 pm     Summary and wrap-up discussion (with PIs)
     Slides (PPT)

April 20, 2006

8:30 am     Breakfast
9:00 am     Batch queue prediction in vgES (Daniel Nurmi)
     Slides (PPT)
12:00 noon     Lunch
1:00 pm    Scheduler Interactions (Ryan Zhang)
     Notes (PPT)
4:00 pm     Summary and wrap-up discussion (with PIs)
     Slides (PPT)

April 21, 2006

8:30 am     Breakfast
9:00 am     Work plan, Milestones (Lavanya)
     Diagrams (PPT), Workplan (PPT), White paper outline (Word),
12:00 noon     Meeting Adjourns

Supporting Documents
Check the VGrADS Workspace (particularly the Working Documents and LEAD sections) for related files. The most important ones are (probably)
  • LEAD-VGrADS Integration (Word) (PDF)
    • With most recently [4/11/06] amended workflow diagram (PPT) (PDF)
  • LEAD Workflow Requirements (PDF)
  • Slotted Virtual Grids - adding time to the VG abstraction (PDF)
You may also find the first LEAD/VGrADS workshop interesting, or Dennis Gannon's slides from the VGrADS February 2006 workshop.

More will be added as they circulate around the list. (Note that some of the above may have multiple versions - check that you're looking at the latest.)

VGrADS Collaborators include:


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