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by admin last modified 2007-12-12 01:55

LEAD VGrADS Meeting Agenda

November 4, 2005

Research Triangle Park, NC

The meeting will be held at the Solution Center which is < 0.5 miles from the Sheraton Imperial Hotel. The agenda is fairly open ended and targeted to facilitate discussions but any background slides might be helpful.

08:20 am    Assemble in Sheraton Lobby. The hotel has a shuttle to the Solution Center.

08:30 am    Breakfast

09:00 am    Welcome, Introductions

09:15 am    Background on LEAD
Orchestration, Data Streaming, Resource requirements, etc

09:45 am    Background on VGrADS
Capabilities, status and plans, etc

10:15 am    Break

10:30 am    Open Discussion (Ken Kennedy will join on the phone)
Research Goals, Possibility of targeting more funding

12:00 noon    Lunch

1:00 pm    Open Discussion
Scheduling/resource brokering policies,
Dynamic Adaptation based on application, resource changes,
Fault tolerance, etc

2:30 pm    Next Steps (Target Demo: SC 2006?)

4:00 pm    Adjourn

Meeting Outcomes

See Lavanya's excellent meeting notes

Additional Documents

LEAD-VGrADS Documents

Example of LEAD Workflow using using VG API

Presentation at VGrADS all hands, Sept 2005

Virtual Grid Documents

Virtual Grid Description Language

Efficient Resource Description and High Quality Selection for Virtual Grids

LEAD Site Visit Presentations and Posters

Overview (Droegemeier) (PPT, 10.4 MB)

Portal and Orchestration (Gannon) (PPT, 3.5 MB)

Data Thrust (Plale) (PPT, 1.4 MB)

Ensemble Broker Service Or iented Architecture for LEAD

Performance and Reliability Monitoring of the LEAD System

The Making of an Automated Decision and Control System for Numerical Weather Prediction Research and Education: Results from a Recent Experiment (Panel A, Panel B)

Portal resources and service authorization

User Friendly BPEL and Dynamic Workflows in LEAD Grid

VGrADS Collaborators include:


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