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by admin last modified 2007-12-12 01:56

(Tentative) Agenda

February 23-24, 2006
Houston, TX

Thursday, February 23

8:30    Continental breakfast

9:00    Welcome and Introductions - Ken Kennedy
(including introductions of the LEAD folks)
9:30    LEAD Overview - Dennis Gannon
LEAD status
LEAD plans (especially related to VGrADS) this year
LEAD technical requirements (architectures, data sizes, etc.)
Dennis' slides
10:00    vgES Session - Carl Kesselman
Where vgES is today
Where vgES is going (particularly related to LEAD collaboration, but also for “pure” VGrADS research purposes)
Consisted of presentations from Kang-Suk Kee, Ken Yocum and Gurmeet Singh
11:00    Tools / Scheduling Session – Chuck Koelbel
Where the schedulers are today
Where scheduling research is going (particularly related to LEAD collaboration, but also for “pure” VGrADS research purposes)
Chuck's slides
noon    Lunch

1:30    Discussion:  VGrADS/LEAD Joint Roadmap for 2006
Refine joint plans under existing funding
Define tasks and schedule for joint demo at SC’06 (assuming we take that as a project)
Plan for attracting additional funding (time permitting)
Chuck took notes during the discussion

3:00    Break

3:30    Group Discussion
Reaction to morning presentations, brainstorming for new ideas
Chuck's notes include this discussion too
5:00    Adjourn

Friday, February 24

8:30    Continental breakfast

9:00    EOT Activities - Michael Sirois
Discussion of plans for CS-CAMP, AGEP students, Grace Hopper conference, grad student exchanges, ...
Michael's slides
10:00   Other Research
Chuck took some notes here too
Ryan Zhang made a presentation as well
    11:00    Discussion: VGrADS Milestones and Annual Report
    What we need to send NSF this spring
    Original VGrADS Milestones
    Milestones as amended at workshop
      noon    Adjourn

      VGrADS Collaborators include:

      Rice University UCSD UH UCSB UTK ISI UTK

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