February 10 - 11, 2004
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM Plenary Session
Execution System Presentation [Chien]
- VGrADS Runtime System Architecture and Research
- VGrADS Execution System
- design/interface issues
- promised milestones
- goals/plans for year 1 & for year 3 site visit
- Fault Tolerant Ideas
- design/interface issues
- promised milestones
- goals/plans for year 1 & for year 3 site visit
- Modeling Resource Availability in Federated, Globally Distributed Computing Environments
- automatic availability model fitting
- predicting future machine availability
- categorization and independence
Programming Tools Presentation [Kennedy/Koelbel]
- Abstract Machine Layer Research in VGrADS
- design/interface issues
- promised milestones
- goals/plans for year 1 & for year 3 site visit
12:00 PM Working Lunch [DH 3092]
VGrADS Project Goals & Deliverables Discussion
- goals/deliverables for year 3 site visit
- goals/deliverables for year 1 annual report
- structure of VGrADS annual report (due June 1, 2004)
GrADS final report(s) (due December 2004)
1:00 PM Plenary Session [DH 1049]
GrADS/VGrADS Licensing Discussion [Boudreaux]
General Discussion [Kennedy]
- execution system/programming tools interface
- experience w/ applications
Charge for working groups/breakout sessions
2:30 PM Breakout Sessions [DH 1044, DH 1049, DH 3076]
5:30 PM Adjourn for the Day
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast [DH 1049]
8:30 AM Plenary Session [DH 1049]
- reports from working groups
- discussion
10:30 AM Broader Issues [DH 1049]
VGrADS EOT (Education, Outreach and Training) [Tapia]- EOT Plan
- outreach
- web presence
- contracting issues (if any)
12:00 PM Adjourn