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Charles Koelbel

Location: Rice

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Latest content created by this user

Article Reference
Application of Machine Learning to the Selection of Sparse Linear Solvers 2009-09-17
A Decoupled Scheduling Approach for Grid Application Development Environments 2008-04-23
Creating Software Tools and Libraries for Leadership Computing 2008-04-23
The Impact of Multicore on Computational Science Software 2008-04-23
Applications Overview 2007-12-14
Programming Tools Overview 2007-12-14
Virtual Grids 2007-12-14
Execution System Overview 2007-12-14
VGrADS Research 2007-02-28
VGrADS_2009_draft.pdf 2009-09-30
Multi-Level Adaptation for Performability in Dynamic Web Service Workflows 2007-12-14
VGrADS Overview and Demo - SC08 2008-12-02
VGrADS_2008_Final.pdf 2008-10-28
The Impact of Multicore on Computational Science Software 2008-04-30
chk 2007-12-12
Inbook Reference
Scheduling in the Grid Application Development Software Project 2008-12-02
Inproceedings Reference
VGrADS: Enabling e-Science Workflows on Grids and Clouds with Fault Tolerance 2008-04-23
Efficient Auction-Based Grid Reservations using Dynamic Programming 2009-09-14
The Eucalyptus Open-source Cloud-computing System 2009-09-10
Combined Fault Tolerance and Scheduling Techniques for Workflow Applications on Computational Grids 2008-04-23
Estimating Resource Needs for Time-Constrained Workflows 2009-08-13
PDF File
Tailoring Graph Coloring Register Allocation for Runtime Compilation 2009-11-04
Using Virtual Grids to Simplify Application Scheduling 2009-11-04
Relative Performance of Scheduling Algorithms in Grid Environments 2009-11-04
Realistic Modeling and Synthesis of Resources for Computational Grids 2009-11-04
DGMonitor: a Performance Monitoring Tool for Sand-box based Desktop Grid Platforms 2009-11-04
PDF Folder
PDFs 2008-04-23
Phdthesis Reference
Multi-Level Adaptation for Performability in Dynamic Web Service Workflows 2009-06-24
Statistical Methods for Mitigating Resource Provisioning Dynamism in Large-Scale Batch-Scheduled Systems 2009-09-16
Automatic Resource Specification Generation for Resource Selection in Large-Scale Distributed Environments 2009-10-05
Grid-Centric Scheduling Strategies for Workflow Applications 2009-09-09
Eliciting Honest Behavior on Computational Grids 2009-09-16
Techreport Reference
Efficient Resource Capacity Estimate of Workflow Applications for Provisioning Resources 2009-08-13
All content created by Charles Koelbel…
« September 2010 »
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