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Ayaz Ali (2008)

Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling of FFT on Hierarchical Memory and Multi-core Architectures

PhD thesis, University of Houston, Houston, TX.

In this dissertation, we present a framework for expressing, evaluating and executing dynamic schedules for FFT computation on hierarchical and shared memory multiprocessor / multi-core architectures. The framework employs a two layered optimization methodology to adapt the FFT computation to a given architecture and dataset. At installation time, the code generator adapts to the microprocessor architecture by generating highly optimized, arbitrary size micro-kernels using dynamic compilation with feedback. At run-time, the micro-kernels are assembled in a DAG-like schedule to adapt the computation of large size FFT problems to the memory system and the number of processors.

To deliver performance portability across different architectures, we have implemented a concise language that provides specifications for dynamic construction of FFT schedules. The context free grammar (CFG) rules of the language are implemented in various optimized driver routines that compute parts of the whole transform. By exploring the CFG rules, we were able to dynamically construct many of the already known FFT algorithms without explicitly implementing and optimizing them. To automate the construction of best schedule for computing an FFT on a given platform, the framework provides multiple low cost run-time search schemes. Our results indicate that the cost of search can be reduced drastically through accurate prediction and estimation models.

With its implementation in the UHFFT, this dissertation provides a complete methodology for the development of domain specific and portable libraries. To validate our methodology, we compare the performance of the UHFFT with FFTW and Intel’s MKL on recent architectures - Itanium 2, Xeon Clovertown and a second generation Opteron. Our optimized implementations of various driver routines compare favorably against the FFTW and MKL libraries. Our experiments show that the UHFFT outperforms FFTW and MKL on most architectures for problems too large to fit in cache. Moreover, our low-overhead multithreaded driver routines deliver better performance on multi-core architectures.

by Charles Koelbel last modified 2008-05-09 05:53
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