This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 103 references in this bibliography folder.
Dongarra, J, Bosilca, G, Chen, Z, Eijkhout, V, Fagg, GE, Fuentes, E, Langou, J, Luszczek, P, esivac-Grbovic, JP, Seymour, K, You, H, and Vadhiyar, SS
Self Adapting Numerical Software (SANS) Effort
IBM Journal of Research and Development, 50(2-3).
Fagg, G, Pjesivac-Grbovic, J, Bosilca, G, Angskun, T, and Dongarra, J
Flexible Collective Communication Tuning Architecture applied to Open MPI
2006 Euro PVM/MPI.
Huang, R, Casanova, H, and Chien, AA
Using Virtual Grids to Simplify Application Scheduling
In: IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE.
Jeannot, E, Seymour, K, YarKhan, A, and Dongarra, J
Improved Runtime and Transfer Time Prediction Mechanisms in a Network Enabled Server
Parallel Processing Letters, 17(1):47–59.
Kee, Y, Yocum, K, Chien, AA, Casanova, H, and Casanova, H
Robust Resource Allocation for Large-scale Distributed Shared Resource Environments
In: IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-15), pp. 341-342, IEEE.
Kee, Y, Yocum, K, Chien, AA, Casanova, H, and Casanova, H
Improving Grid Resource Allocation via Integrated Selection and Binding
In: International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (SC’06), IEEE.
Mandal, A
Toward a Tool for Scheduling Application Workflows onto Distributed Grid Systems
PhD thesis, Rice University, Houston, TX.
Nurmi, D, Mandal, A, Brevik, J, Koelbel, C, Wolski, R, and Kennedy, K
Evaluation of a Workflow Scheduler Using Integrated Performance Modelling and Batch Queue Wait Time Prediction
In: Proceedings of SC'06, Tampa, FL, IEEE.
Pjesivac-Grbovic, J, Fagg, G, Angskun, T, Bosilca, G, and Dongarra, J
MPI Collective Algorithm Selection and Quadtree Encoding
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4192, Number 2006:pp. 40-48.
Reed, DA, Lu, C, and Mendes, CL
Reliability Challenges in Large Systems
Future Generation Computer Systems, 22(3):293–302.
Shi, Z
Scheduling tasks with precedence constraints on heterogeneous distributed computing systems
PhD thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Shi, Z and Dongarra, J
Scheduling workflow applications on processors with different capabilities
Future Generation Computer Systems, 22(6):665–675.
Shi, Z, Jeannot, E, and Dongarra, J
Robust task scheduling in non-deterministic heterogeneous systems
In: , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing.
Singh, G, Kesselman, C, and Deelman, E
Application-level Resource Provisioning on the Grid
In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Intl Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Amsterdam, IEEE.
YarKhan, A, Dongarra, J, and Seymour, K
GridSolve: The Evolution of Network Enabled Solver
In: Proceedings of the 2006 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Conference .
YarKhan, A, Seymour, K, Sagi, K, Shi, Z, and Dongarra, J
Recent Developments in Gridsolve
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), 20(1):131-141.
Zhang, Y, Mandal, A, Casanova, H, Chien, AA, Kee, Y, Kennedy, K, and Koelbel, C
Scalable Grid Application Scheduling via Decoupled Resource Selection and Scheduling
IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006), vol. Volume 1(pp. 568 - 575).
Berman, F, Casanova, H, Chien, A, Cooper, K, Dail, H, Dasgupta, A, Deng, W, Dongarra, J, Johnsson, L, Kennedy, K, Koelbel, C, Liu, B, Liu, X, Mandal, A, Marin, G, Mazina, M, Mellor-Crummey, J, Mendes, C, Olugbile, A, Patel, M, Reed, D, Shi, Z, Sievert, O, Xia, H, and YarKhan, A
New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project
International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), Volume 33(2-3):pp. 209-229.
Blythe, J, Jain, S, Deelman, E, Gil, Y, Vahi, K, Mandal, A, and Kennedy, K
Task Scheduling Strategies for Workflow-based Applications in Grids
In: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2005), IEEE Press.
Brevik, J, Nurmi, D, and Wolski, R
Predicting Bounds on Queueing Delay in Space-shared Computing Environments
University of California Santa Barbara, Technical Report(CS2005-09), Santa Barbara, CA.
Brevik, J, Nurmi, D, and Wolski, R
SCHMIB: Segregating Clusters Hierarchically Making Improved Bounds
University of California, Santa Barbara, Technical Report(2005-27), Santa Barbara, CA.
Chen, Z, Fagg, GE, Gabriel, E, Langhou, J, Angskun, T, Bosilca, G, and Dongarra, J
Fault Tolerant High Performance Computing by Coding Approaches
In: Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'05), ACM Press.
Chien, A, Casanova, H, Kee, Y, and Huang, R
The Virtual Grid Description Language: vgDL
University of California San Diego, UCSD Technical Report(CS2005-0817).
Cooper, KD, Dasgupta, A, and Eckhardt, J
Revisiting Graph Coloring Register Allocation: A Study of the Chaitin-Briggs and Callahan-Koblenz Algorithms
In: LCPC 18: International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computers, LNCS.
Eijkhout, V, Fuentes, E, Eidson, T, and Dongarra, J
The Component Structure of a Self-Adapting Numerical Software System
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 33(2).