Andrew Chien
SAIC Chair Professor, Computer Science and Engineering |
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Professional Preparation
- Ph.D, Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990
- M.S., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984
- SAIC Chair Professor, UCSD, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, 1998 -present
- Chief Technology Officer, Entropia Inc., 1998-present
- Adjunct Professor, University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science, 1998-present
Synergistic Activities
Andrew Chien is a full-time faculty member at UCSD, having returned from a two-year leave during which he founded Entropia, Inc., a leading desktop Grid software company. Andrew has authored over eighty publications in the areas of grids, system software, compilers, networks, and computer architecture of high-performance systems.Dr. Chien is widely known for his work on clusters–the Fast Messages (FM) and High Performance Virtual Machines (HPVM) systems formed the basis for a wealth of clustering research and NCSA's Windows NT Clustering efforts. These systems are internationally disseminated to over 500 academic, national laboratory, and commercial environments.
Dr. Chien is also well known for his work on concurrent object-oriented programming systems, the Illinois Concert project developed leading whole-program analysis and optimization techniques which aggressively type cloning, and data structure optimizations; these are just beginning to appear in commercial compilers for languages such as C++ and Java. These technologies formed the foundation the pC++ and HPC++ projects as well as the parallel software efforts of the Japanese Real World Computing Project (RWC) which led to the HPC++ standard.
Dr. Chien has been involved in numerous parallel computing architecture projects. As a graduate student at MIT, he participated in Arvind's tagged-token Dataflow Architecture project, and then Dally's J-Machine project, an early low-overhead message passing machine.
A selection of Dr. Chien's board memberships, committee chairmanships, and other awards and honors appears below.
- Teragrid Technical Advisory Board
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Grid Computing
- Program Chair, 12th IEEE High Performance Distributed Computing Conference, 2003
- Program committee Member ISCA 2003, CCGrid 2003, Supercomputing, 2003
- Steering Group, IEEE HPDC Conference , 2002-
- Editor, International Journal of Grid Computing, 2002-
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed computing, 1998-2001
- Executive Committee and Senior Fellow, San Diego Supercomputing Center, 1999-
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1998-2001
- Steering Group, ACM Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, 1998-
- Program Chair, ACM Symposium on the Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, 1999
- Guest Editor, IEEE Computer Special Issue on Network Interfaces, 1998
- Program Vice Chair, IEEE International Parallel Processing Symposium, 1995
- Member of >40 PCs (compilers, object-oriented systems, computer architecture, etc.)
- Senior Xerox Award for Excellence in Research, 1996
- C. W. Gear Outstanding Jr. Faculty Award, 1995
- National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award 1994
- Burroughs Fellow, 1985.
- Numerous best paper recognitions
VGrADS and Other Significant Publications
- Berman, F, Casanova, H, Chien, A, Cooper, K, Dail, H, Dasgupta, A, Deng, W, Dongarra, J, Johnsson, L, Kennedy, K, Koelbel, C, Liu, B, Liu, X, Mandal, A, Marin, G, Mazina, M, Mellor-Crummey, J, Mendes, C, Olugbile, A, Patel, M, Reed, D, Shi, Z, Sievert, O, Xia, H, and YarKhan, A. “New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project,” International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP). (To appear 2005).
- Kee, Y, Logothetis, D, Huang, R, Casanova, H, and Chien, A. “Efficient Resource Description and High Quality Selection for Virtual Grids,” In: Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid'05), Cardiff, U.K. IEEE. (2005).
- Chien, A, Casanova, H, Kee, Y, and Huang, R. The Virtual Grid Description Language: vgDL, University of California San Diego, UCSD Technical Report (CS2005-0817). (2005).
- Kee, Y, Casanova, H, and Chien, A. “Realistic Modeling and Synthesis of Resources for Computational Grids,” In: ACM Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (SC2004). ACM Press. (2004).
- Liu, X, and Chien, A. “Realistic Large Scale Online Network Simulation,” In: ACM Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking (SC2004). ACM Press. (2004).
- Kondo, D, Taufer, M, Brooks, III, CL, Casanova, H, and Chien, A. “Characterizing and Evaluating Desktop Grids: An Empirical Study,” In: Proceedings of International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2004). IEEE Press. (2004).
- Taesombut, N, and Chien, A. “Distributed Virtual Computer (DVC): Simplifying the Development of High Performance Grid Applications,” In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Grids and Advanced Networks (GAN ’04). IEEE Press. (2004).
- Taufer, M, Cicotti, P, and Chien, A. “DGMonitor: a Performance Monitoring Tool for Sand-box based Desktop Grid Platforms,” In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems (PMEO-PDS’ 2004). IEEE Press. (2004).
- Taufer, M, Crowley, M, Price, D, Chien, A, and Brooks III, CL. “Study of an Accurate and Fast Protein-Ligand Docking Algorithm based on Molecular Dynamics,” In: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB 2004). IEEE Press. (2004).
- Wu, R, and Chien, A. “Evaluation of Rate-based Transport Protocols for Lambda-Grids,” In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing. IEEE Press. (2004).
- Wu, R, and Chien, A. “GTP: Group Transport Protocol for Lambda-Grids,” In: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004). IEEE Press. (2004).
- Xia, H, Dail, H, Casanova, H, and Chien, A. “The MicroGrid: Using Emulation to Predict Application Performance in Diverse Grid Network Environments,” In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments (CLADE’04). IEEE Press. (2004).
- Liu, X, Xia, H, and Chien, A. “Validating and Scaling the MicroGrid: A Scientific Instrument for Grid Dynamics,” The Journal of Grid Computing. (2003).A. Chien, S. Marlin, and S. Elbert, “Resource Management in the Entropia System,” in Resource Management for Grids (Eds. Schopf, Weglarz, Nabrzyski, and Stroinski), Kluwer 2003
- Andrew Chien, et. al. “Entropia: Architecture and Performance of an Enterprise Desktop Grid System,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Special Issue, Grids and Peer to Peer Systems, 2003.
- A. Chien, et. al., “The GrADS Project: Software Support for High-Level Grid Application Development,” Intl Jnl of HPC Applications, Winter 2001 (15(4), pp. 327-344.
- H. Song, X. Liu, D. Jakobsen, X. Zhang, K. Taura, and A. Chien, “The MicroGrid: A Scientific Tool for Modeling Computational Grids,” finalist for Best Paper Award, Proceedings of SC2000, Dallas, Texas, November 2000.
- J. Dolby and Andrew A. Chien, “Automatic Inlining Optimization and its Evaluation,” Proceedings of SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 2000.
- K. Taura and A. Chien, “A Heuristic Algorithm for Mapping Communicating Task on Heterogeneous Resources,” Proceedings of the Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, May 2000.
- Andrew A. Chien,Computing Elements, Book, Chapter 17 “Building a Computational Grid: A Blueprint for Future Computing Infrastructure,” Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, editors, Morgan-Kauffmann, 1998. (the Grid Book)
- J. Dolby and Andrew A. Chien, “An Evaluation of Object Inline Allocation Techniques,” in the Proceedings of the 1998 Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Architectures Conference, (OOPSLA ‘98), October 1998, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- M. Lauria, S. Pakin, and Andrew A. Chien, “Efficient Layering for High Speed Communication: Fast Messages 2.x,” in Proceedings of the Seventh High Performance Distributed Computing Conference (HPDC '97), Chicago, Illinois, July, 1998. (describes MPI-FM and Fast Messages)
- Scott Pakin, Vijay Karamcheti, and Andrew A. Chien, “Fast Messages: Efficient, Portable Communication for Workstation Clusters and Massively-Parallel Processors,” in IEEE Concurrency, 1997.