last modified
2007-12-14 14:12
Richard Tapia
Noah Harding Professor, Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Director, Center for Excellence and Equity in Education
Rice University
VGrADS Activities: Co-PI, working on Education and Outreach (unable to attend site visit)
Professional Preparation
- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1967
- M.A., Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1966
- B.A., Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1961
Professional Appointments
- Director, Center for Excellence and Equity in Education, Rice University, 1999-present
- Cluster Leader, Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), Rice University, 1999-present
- Noah Harding Professor of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, 1991-present
- Associate Director of Graduate Studies, Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Rice University, 1989-present
- Director of Education and Outreach Programs, Center for Research on Parallel Computation, Rice University, 1989-2000
- Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Rice University, 1976-present
- Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, 1986-1988
- Adjunct Professor, Texas Institute of Rehabilitation and Research, Baylor College of Medicine, 1978-1983
- Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rice University, 1978-1983
- Visiting Associate Professor of Operations Research, Stanford University, 1976-1977
- Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Rice University, 1972-1976
- Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Rice University, 1970-1972
- Assistant Professor, Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1968-1970
- Instructor in Mathematics, University of California-Los Angeles, 1967-1968
Synergistic Activities
- Developed and directed Spend a Summer with a Scientist, a SMET
graduate studies recruitment/retention program for underrepresented
minorities and women, 1989. Institutionalized at Rice in 1998 and
exported to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Developed and Directed K-12 Teacher Professional Development
Programs: The Mathematical and Computational Sciences Awareness
Workshop (1989) and GirlTECH (1995) that address the
underrepresentation of women and underrepresented minorities in
computational sciences.
- Chair Advisory Committee for Houston Independent School District's NSF Urban Systemic Initiative. (1998-present)
- Co-developing high school curriculum materials: Linear Algebra: An Introduction to Linear Algebra for Pre-Calculus Students, (with T. Carter and A. Papakonstantinou), (2000).
- Computational Science: Tools for a Changing World, (with C. McZeal and C. Lanius)
VGrADS and Other Significant Publications
- R. Tapia, D. Chubin, and C. Lanius, “Promoting National Minority
Leadership in Science and Engineering: A Report on Proposed Actions,”
- R. Tapia and C. Lanius, “Underrepresented Minority Achievement and Course Taking - The Kindergarten-Graduate Continuum” (2000).
- R. Tapia, T. Carter, and A. Papakonstantinou, “Linear Algebra: An
Introduction to Linear Algebra for Pre-Calculus Students” (2000)
- R. Tapia, “Assessing and Evaluating the Evaluation Tool - The
Standardized Test”, Contributions to Session Two of the 1998 National
Institute for Science Education Forum: Assessment and the Promotion of
Change (1998).
- R. Tapia, “Contributions to Panel Session of the AAAS 150-th
Anniversary Meeting: Meeting America’s Needs for the Scientific and
Technological Challenges of the Twenty-First Century” (1998).