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by admin last modified 2007-12-14 14:12

Anirban Mandal

Graduate Student, Computer Science
Rice University

Research Advisor: Dr. Ken Kennedy
VGrADS Activities: Working on Programming Tools (Scheduling) and EMAN Application
Anirban Mandal

Educational Background

B. Tech. (2000), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
M. S. (2002), Rice University
Currently, PhD Candidate, Rice University

Research Experience

Anirban Mandal's research interests fall in the area of application level scheduling of Grid applications. His current work is primarily focussed on performance-model based, heuristic scheduling of application workflows onto the Grid resources. He has also been involved in the GrADS project where he worked on mapping HPF applications onto the Grid.


    1. Mandal. A, Kennedy. K, Koelbel. C, Marin. G, Mellor-Crummey. J, Liu. B and  Johnsson. L (to appear 2005)
      Scheduling Strategies for Mapping Application Workflows onto the Grid
      In: IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2005) . IEEE Computer Society Press
    2. Blythe. J, Jain, S, Deelman. Ewa, Gil, Y, Vahi. K, Mandal. A, and Kennedy. K (to appear 2005).
      Resource Allocation Strategies for Workflows in Grids
      In: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2005) . IEEE Press
    3. Berman. F, Casanova. H, Chien. A, Cooper. K, Dail. H, Dasgupta. A, Deng. W, Dongarra. J, Johnsson.
      L, Kennedy. K, Koelbel. C, Liu. B, Liu. X, Mandal. A, Marin. G, Mazina. M, Mellor-Crummey. J, Mendes
      . C, Olugbile. A, Patel. M, Reed. D, Shi. Z, Sievert. O, Xia. H, and YarKhan. A  (to appear 2005).
      New Grid Scheduling and Rescheduling Methods in the GrADS Project In: International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP) also in NSF-NGS Workshop at  IPDPS 2004
    4. Mandal. A (2003).
      Mapping HPF onto the Grid
      Rice University, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report( TR03-417), Houston, TX, 77005.
    5. Mandal. A, Dasgupta. A, Kennedy. K, Mazina. M, Koelbel. C, Marin. G, Cooper. K, Mellor-Crummey. J, Liu. B and Johnsson. L, Workflow Scheduling in GrADS 
    In: IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (Poster in CCGrid 2004) . IEEE Press.

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