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by admin last modified 2007-12-14 14:12

Cheryl McCosh

Graduate Student, Computer Science
Rice University

Research Advisor: Dr. Ken Kennedy
VGrADS Activities: Working on Programming Tools (High-level Scripting Languages)
Cheryl McCosh

Educational Background

  • B.S. Mathematics (May, 2000), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • M.S. Computer Science (January, 2003), Rice University
  • Ph.D. Candidate (Currently), Rice University

Research Experience

Cheryl McCosh's research interests include high performance/productivity computing, component integration, and compiler optimizations.  She is currently working on the telescoping-languages project headed by Ken Kennedy at Rice University.  Within the framework of this project, she is working on compilation strategies for high-level, domain-specific languages, including the development of a new type inference algorithm. 


  • Ken Kennedy, Bradley Broom, Arun Chauhan, Rob Fowler, John Garvin, Chuck Koelbel, Cheryl McCosh, and John Mellor-Crummey.  Telescoping languages: A system for automatic generation of domain languages.  IEEE Proceedings: Special Issue on Program Generation, Optimization, and Platform Adaptation, Vol. 93, No. 2, February 2005, pp 387-408.
  • Cheryl McCosh, Eric Allen and Ken Kennedy. Object-Oriented Type Inference for Telescoping Languages. Technical Report (TR04-441)
  • Cheryl McCosh, Eric Allen, Ken Kennedy and Walid Taha. Static Type Inference for Specialization in a Telescoping Compiler. Technical Report (TR04-439)
  • Cheryl McCosh. Type-Based Specialization in a Telescoping Compiler for Matlab.  Master's Thesis.  Technical Report (TR03-412)
  • Arun Chauhan, Cheryl McCosh, Ken Kennedy, and Richard Hanson.  Automatic type-driven library generation for telescoping languages. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE SC 2003 Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing (Supercomputing), November 2003. Also available as Technical Report (TR03-411)

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