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GridSolve implemented on VGrADS

by admin last modified 2007-12-14 14:12

Abstract GridSolve is a project that investigates the usage of distributed computational resources connected by computer networks to solve complex scientific problems efficiently. It is a remote procedure call (RPC)-based client/agent/server system that allows users to discover, access, and utilize remotely housed software modules, as well as the computational hardware needed to run these modules. The overall goal of integrating GridSolve with VGrADS is to provide end user multiple easy-to-use interfaces to the virtual grids. GridSolve has implemented several interfaces such as Fortran, C, Matlab, Mathematica, and Octave. By seamlessly integrating GridSolve agent with VGrADS execution system, user is allowed to access and utilize Grid resource with interface of his choice. The integrated system can also be used to extend the capabilities of problem solving environments (PSE), such as Matlab, by increasing the number and types of implemented algorithms available and solving them on Grid resources. Poster Contributors: Zhiao Shi, Asim YarKhan, Jack Dongarra Poster Presented by Zhiao Shi

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